Monday, February 9, 2009

why'd you say hallelujah?

It was either in a movie or a memory that a character (or me) had trouble saying hallelujah for a while. I think it was pronounced hallelulah instead.

A year ago me would worry that I was mixing my memories with movies. This year me LOVES this fact, and embraces it, hoping that soon, my life will be indescirnable from the movies I watch. This is a strange hope, but I think it's viable. You just have to believe.

Today, my new thing: I went and saw The Wrestler with my friend named after a state, Montana. She loved it, I am not so convinced... it was brutal, violent, and very sad. Torment is a fascinating thing to watch, an even more fascinating thing to read, which I am doing right now. Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections torments me with every word, and I bet upon bet that all of this frustration is going to come to a bad end. I'm going to read something really happy after this. A mystery, where I'm sure they solve it. That will be satisfying.


  1. "Life-merged-with-Movie" sounds interesting.

    Just don't watch Mean Girls or Tarzaan. It could get really confusing.

  2. discernible...just keepin you a stellar speller....haha
