Tuesday, March 31, 2009

drowned her in a bathtub.

Today's new thing was an attempt at musical zen.

I took a walk and listened to an album. I used to do this, so it's not exactly NEW, but I forgot how much I enjoyed it, and the album was new... so I'm counting it new. All you haters (there aren't any, but for some reason, I always talk to them) can say it's new or not. But I think it's new. That's the important thing.

The houses near me are startling. There were five treehouses, a red brick castle that overlooks all of Santa Cruz, homemade swings, well kept gardens, unkempt gardens, art deco gates, urban art... it was a beautiful walk. Set to absolutely fantastic music: cascading organ, build 'em up guitars, spanish flamenco picking, three singers, and a story worthy of... well. Folk mysticism, I guess. I would love to hear the whole thing just with a couple guitars and an organ, in front of a campfire, with Colin Meloy and crew telling the story with shadow puppets and their normal theatrics.

I loved it and plan on doing this more often. A good walk. Good music. Santa Cruz is a gorgeous place. I always forget that.

Monday, March 30, 2009

sink to the beat.

Today's new thing is a big step in my road to becoming...


a good citizen?

Happy Graduation to Me!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

said she's got it all, said she's got it all, said she's got it.

Back in Lulu's. Today's new thing is probably going to be Nick and Norah's playlist with Kristan.

But it might MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT be finishing this story. Or, at least, the first draft. That would be a great new thing. Perhaps the most fantastic new thing ever.

So, keep your fingers crossed? I know I am. It's making it hard to type. But all the luck it gives is worth it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I want to go to heaven for the weather.

So Saturday was another trip to do an open mic night with Anthony, this time in San Francisco. We both bombed, but I don't think we should have - Farley's had an awful atmosphere, the comics were all bad people who used as many sound effects as they did punch lines, and the guys in front frowned the whole time.

Tough room.

But then Regina and Andre came to the rescue and took us to Andre's work/Soapstone factory, and we played on this giant crane, swinging about the soapstone warehouse. Seriously. And then they did crazy karaoke moves to Uninvited by Alanis Morisette and got kicked out of the karaoke bar for dropping the microphone.

Regina is a whirlwind of good time.

So three new things: Karaoke kick out, Stand up in San Francisco, and crane play. Heavy duty machinery equals heavy duty fun.

Friday, March 27, 2009

let's make some money.

Okay. I have a goal today.

I want to write to page 100.

So I'm liveblogging the event, just in case the new thing for today isn't "writing page 100 of the novel I'm writing."

I've never liveblogged before! Never really had a chance, but still!

So, let's see here... it's 2:25 pm. I have 9 and one half hours to write. I happen to be on page 60 since my last edit.

.....liveblogging now.....

2:26pm - blogging about liveblogging about writing. The spiral continues. It's like putting two mirrors that face each other. I'm at Lulu's at the Octagon (pretentious!) and I put a book on hold for myself over at Literary Guillotine as a treat for if I get as far as I want today. I have a full cup of coffee, a full cup of water. My computer is connected. My outline is next to me. I have fruit snacks, granola bars, and I am charged. Charrrrged. San Diego Super Chargers. Let's go team!

2:44pm - broken from my writing reverie by one someone whistling along to a song. The headphones are going to go on soon. I already wrote two pages! Beat that, Virgina Woolf!

3:08pm - it's funny what makes me stop writing. In this case, it was that I suddenly had no idea where my character was. Not my main character. The one that is going to enter the scene. I mapped out their conversation on my outline (and when I say mapped out, I mean I have three scribbles - "dead, me too" "where did they go?" "you and me, pete") but I have no idea where they have the conversation. So I stopped to visualize. I think they will have it on the couch, eating dry macaroni. Thanks, blog!

4:06pm - I am sort of trying to outlive everyone here at Lulu's. Wait, not outlive. Outstay. The girl on the right of me has been here before me. Same with the guy in the corner. Everyone on the other side of the octagon has changed, though. My coffee has gone cold, and I have that caffeine rush type of headache, but it isn't bad. I'll eat at six. I wrote eight pages this last hour. So, it seems extremely plausible that I can do forty by tonight. This goal seems incredibly reachable.

4:55pm - didn't write nearly as much this hour. I'm trying to get Pete back. Then everything is going to hop skip and jump towards a conclusion. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened, anyway. I think it will. Pete is the catalyst. Tock is trying. Ha! I'm talking utter nonsense. The guy to the left of me left, but the guy and the gear to the right are still there. I'm writing a novel, guy and girl. What are YOU doing?

5:25pm - thanks for the words of encouragement, April. I'm on page 75. But, that was with two interruptions. One was Chris Miller! He was my favorite employee from Sockshop. He quit before I got back from England, and I hadn't seen him since. And then Julio for a moment. We discussed sunglass flotation. And now I'm behind. Or whatever. I might be right on schedule. Pete's back soon. I missed him.

6:32pm - I win! I have officially been here the longest. Or perhaps I lose. I don't know. I am running out of steam. I am quite, quite hungry. And I don't want to spend any more money on coffee. I should go home, I guess... and then try to write more there. Maybe outside? 4 hours, 22 pages. Not bad.

9:16pm - ran into more folks I know - my focus is totally gone. Going, going gone. But it's a ground roll double. It ain't no home run. I still think I can write some more, but I want to hang out with some people tonight as well. I have decided to extend the deadline past midnight. We all know that it makes more sense if the day is just how long I've been awake. So... keep your fingers crossed. I have a good feeling about writing again at around 1030 or so.

12:33am - lightning struck. I know how it ends. It is the only way it could end. I can't wait. I have a long way to go, but I can do it. I'll see you all on the other side.

1:49am - I may know how to end it, and it's going to be awesome. But I can't write it well anymore. Caffeine fried my brain. I'm going to drink water and go to bed. 92 pages, my friends. Eight from the goal. Thanks for playing. Tomorrow and Sunday - the sprint to the finish line.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

does he love you?

Everything in the show Dexter creeps me out.

But it also keeps me watching. I watched the entire first season in about a week. It's my new thing for today, because I finished it. The last three episodes are some of the best things I've seen for television since I started watching Mad Men. I miss Mad Men. But Dexter does an admirable job filling the time until the next episode of Mad Men.

The weirdest thing, though: about two weeks ago, I read KJF's book Wit's End. It talked about Santa Cruz being a murder capitol (capital?). Then, a couple days after I finished reading that book, I was clicking "random article" on wikipedia and came up on a serial killer that terrorized Santa Cruz a few decades ago. Erin randomly brought up the other killer in conversation the next day. The next night? We had a dinner party that had a choice between watching 300 and American Psycho, the movie where Christian Bale plays a serial killer. And then, a couple days after that, I finish The OC, go to delete the file from my computer, and see that a long time ago, Max gave me the first season of Dexter to watch. And there it was, beckoning me.

Oh, unknowable universe, what does it all mean?

Jeez, even the promo shots for this show are terrifying. That is NOT his hand.

I'm glad I'm horrified by Dexter. But I don't quite understand what makes me keep watching. Is it all the suspense? Is it poor Rita? Why am I so fascinated? Someone else who watches the show, let me know.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

into the fold.

I left my camera in Davis, damnit. Or "dammit?" Which is correct? Dad, do you know? Ask mom.

Today's new thing was a book signing for Neil Strauss. I have never read one of his books. However, he has written such tomes of American literature like How to Make Love like a Pornstar (with Jenna Jameson, of course) and The Dirt with Motley Crue. But perhaps he is best known for The Game, which is about his rise to the top of the pick-up artist secret society. He gives a lot of advice on how to become a pick-up artist yourself.

Anthony and I went because for the book Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life, we heard he was bringing a live wolf to readings. He did not bring a live wolf to this reading. But he should have.

He is not a classically attractive man by any means.

So, that's comforting.

All the questions had little to nothing to do with his new book. Everyone wanted more advice on how to pick up women. There were about two girls in the crowd. He had brought his girlfriend along with him, and would use her an example, as in, "this is the type of girl you could get." She was heavily made up and showed a lot of cleavage.

Overall, I think the reading did its job. I want to read his book now. The first chapter of Emergency is him about to kill a goat. I'm trying to get a copy of the book The Game on bookmooch. He was a really, really nice guy. He gave me advice on how to write for Rolling Stone, which is his day job.

I don't want to be a pick up artist. But I think "running the game" (that's how everyone referred to it) sounds like an interesting new thing. Then again, everyone in line to get their book signed said it mostly boiled down to confidence.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

knock three times.

I traveled back from Davis. That was my new thing.

I also started to read my first Sherlock Holmes collection, which is going to be a bit of an uphill climb of a task, although it's already proven to be fantastic. Mr. Holmes, I would accompany you to the ends of the earth, magnifying glass in hands. You solve the mysteries, I'll get the ants.

So. Two new things. Thank you, Jaclyn, for a nice little getaway, complete with soul searching, conversation, new and old types of alcohol, some raucous friends, and some good ol' fashioned television. Relaxation and getaway at its finest, in a v-shaped floorplan of a house.

Monday, March 23, 2009

all the stars were falling.

Sacramento is a sad, sad town. Ravaged by our recession, I believe. Almost completely barren, with shops closed every which way, and lots of buildings just left empty. Also, the french cafe was randomly closed.

Those are not good, those things!

But Jacyln and I enjoyed ourselves anyway. No giddy thrills, more just a bit of time-honored exploration and a bit of sweet cake just at the right time, accompanied by a riesling. I feel like we are such old souls.

Also, Dexter. Dexter freaks me out. Dexter makes me feel queasy. I like Dexter anyway.

Also, a wondrous bar, where another old Saugusian was quenching a parched throat. A bar that wanted to be tiki, or wanted to get away from its Tiki roots. Either way, they played non-single Weezer, and that was a kick. And I finally like the way Old Fashioneds taste. Here's to you, Don Draper...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

good show!

Today: traveled to Davis for my new thing to visit Jaclyn.

A new place always equals new things, especially with old friends. I just realized I met Jaclyn six years ago. Six years! She sated my thirst for Santa Claritan intellectual life - we used to watch indie movies, talk about books and music, and basically feel a tiny bit superior to the cultural black hole that I felt SCV was when I was a kid.

So. Davis is a new town. Sort of like a baby Santa Cruz - planned, but hippy-ish. A wonderful co-op.

Another first: mead. Elderflower mead. It left a bit to be desired. And who knew that Jaclyn would have such raucous friends?

More Davis (and a bit of Sacramento?) tomorrow!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

why why why?

I did a violent thing for le truc nouveau.

That's french for the "new thing!"

I shot a gun at a shooting range with Max! It was such a bizarre, violent, yet fun experience... the only thing I can really compare it to is bowling. We even shared a "lane."
I didn't particularly like shooting the gun, actually. It was fun in an odd sort of way, but I didn't feel that rush of power that people talk about. It actually felt removed, oddly... sort of like one step away from a video game.

It was safe, though. And really loud! So loud.

We shot a zombie target! I killed a zombie!

I want to write a short story about it. But I'll add something to it to make it better. One of the best things about the shooting range is that the place has taxidermied animals EVERYWHERE.

Man. It felt weird. But I'm glad I did it! Strangest new thing yet!

Friday, March 20, 2009

california, here we come.

I finished watching The OC today.

That was my new thing.

I started watching it with Erin last Summer.

And I finished it today, with Erin.

I love bookends!

It was not very good, actually. But I'm glad to have that finished. It was an epic episode, though. I won't ruin it. But I was fascinated. It definitely ended when it should have.

Time for a new Josh Schwartz show! Gossip Girl, anyone?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

lalalala, shanghai!

The last time I planted something it was a failure.

So for today's new thing, I planted a Wolfberry seed (a bunch of Wolfberry seeds) with Anthony. Partly inspired by Seedolks.

I won't take a picture of it. That will jinx it.

I hope it grows.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I got a watch on my wrist.

Just got back from my final Creative Writing class with Karen Joy Fowler.

I really, really loved her class. She was a very nurturing CW professor.

I had her sign my book.

That's my new thing for today - I have never had a professor sign their book, and it was strange - not like other book signings. She wrote that it was a pleasure to work with me.

And I was really glad to hear that. I would take a picture of that, but I think it's cooler if I keep it between her and me. But, of course I had to blog about it!

Of course I had to.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's ancient common sense.

I'm almost done with finals! I only have one more. I also have a stack of stories to read for tomorrow. Lots of things to do. I also forgot to do laundry on Sunday. So I bet I will run out before the week is over.

You know what's weird? When all of your soaps run out in unison. Conditioner, shampoo, bar soap, face wash... all at once. It's an interesting condition. That happened recently and I wanted to talk about it on here, because it happens to me kind of often!

What was my new thing today?

Oh yes, that's right.

I don't ever talk about reading books as my new thing because I often read books and that doesn't necessarily mean they are a new thing, but they don't always change my ideology on things.

I read Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman. Everyone should read this book...
It re-taught me something I already kind of knew... that community is importan
t. Community change is just as important as world change. You don't have to think so large that you get lost, and I think that's an important lesson.

So that's my new thing for today. The book is about 90 pages long and it's good like that. It makes me want to write. All good books make me want to write my own good book. Maybe that's happening. Maybe I will blog about it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

dirt on your new shoes.

A little bit ago I saw a deal on some new RAM for this computer that I type-type-type on.

I've never opened up this computer before.

So, Max helped me open it up and add it in.

I think I can tell a difference! I really think I can!

Instead of 1 gig of RAM, now it's at 1.5! Woo!

I think fixing up this computer is a good idea. I think it will last me a long time (knock on internet wood) as sort of a desktop. It's so plugged in that it's nearly impossible to take anywhere.

Look! Sort of computer guts!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

where do you go to, my lovely?

Okay so today's new thing was a continuation of a week ago's new thing, which was starting to build that cigar box today.

Today's new thing was finishing and playing that cigar box guitar.

It sounds AWFUL.

But there it stands, in all of its glory! We need to tune it, probably. And re-situate the nails, I think. There are probably lots of things we need to do to it, but it's built.

When we first turned it on, the screech woke up Max. It sounds kind of like aliens descending on earth and firing rayguns.

Awful, awful noise. Kind of disappointing.

Actually, lots of disappointing.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Oh oh. We've got eyes like Oklahoma.

Bookmooch came through! I got my CW professor Karen Joy Fowler's book in the mail.

It's an uncorrected proof, and a different title! I already like the first 50 pages, and it is difficult to read it without picturing her. But that's okay, I think.

I love bookmooch! Everyone should join Bookmooch.com. You sign up your books and then you can request other books! You should do it. Really. And it's free!

Wooooo I'm going to go reeeead.

Friday, March 13, 2009

the stars of track and field are beautiful people.

I got rejected by Sci-Fi/Fantasy magazine today. That was my new thing.

It's okay though. I sent in Nancy and the Traffic Light.

I think it's because that story is too slight and flighty for their pages... but that's okay. I think I'll send it off again. I like that story quite a lot.

I'm going to save my rejection letter. Usually, it's an e-mail, and I delete it. I haven't sent in a story someplace in ages and ages. I'm going to be better about that now.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

come on, ulysses.

Today I got real haunted by a comic book I bought. I read "Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth" and it was terrifying!

I loved it. But I hate being scared. It's awesome to have the sunlight to save you, though. Tell you that much.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

For you!

So today, the government gave me money.

The sum was for doing well on a test in High School. I've had the envelope to send in to get this money for ages.

And I only just did it.

But still!

Awesome. Thanks government! I'm going to buy myself some RAM.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

change your mind!

My section leader told me I was a brilliant student.

I liked that a lot, but I couldn't figure out why - I was walking with her over to family student housing because I couldn't find a book I wanted to use for my paper at the library. And she just said it.

Nice of her, really.

Also, a new thing: no section leader (TA?) has ever called me brilliant.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I will die with my foot in my mouth.

Is it lame that my new thing today was driving home from Chico?

Because that's what it was.

So... there.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

get guilty.

Chico's a strange little city. I don't quite understand it, and I certainly couldn't live here, but I'm having a good time. There's all sorts of new things to do in a new city - a new farmer's market, a new place to get burgers (Madison BEAR Garden! Ha!) a new place to dance...

I love travel for this reason. Delicious travel. Ashlee and I watched Kung Fu Panda, too, which I hadn't seen before.

It's pretty funny. It made me want to fight with chopsticks.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

who's gonna hear your help me help me now?

I'm going to drive to Chico today to see Ashlee. She and I have been close ever since we met - in High School, we played Romeo and Juliet in a modernized version, and fell for each other. I actually love that story - seems fittingly, if cliche-y, romantic.

Then we had a tumultuous year of breaking up and getting back together, and then somehow (still not sure how this happened) we became friends again, and I'm glad for it. She's known me for so long, and knows a side of me not everyone knows, and it will be nice to see her again.

I have Harry Potter 6 and the new Yeah Yeah Yeah's CD loaded onto my iPod. And a pocket full of mango flavored dum-dums. Can't stop me now, world.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

times before that, I was cruel.

This evening I went and saw Watchmen at the midnight screening, but I'm backdating this blog post because I am... like that. It's my blog, I'll do what I want.

Watchmen was a mess. It was fun, though, and also incredibly violent, and strange to see on screen. I think, now, that it was pretty good in some ways and terrible in others, but ultimately, it's the best that movie could be on a screen. Silk Spectre II looked exactly like she did in the comic, and Nite Owl II's story and portrayal was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

My dad told me he's reading it. We so rarely read the same things that it will be interesting to see what he thinks.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

shut your eyes, you and I.

More mail related new-ness!

I joined bookmooch.com. It's this incredible site where you trade books! If you have a book you don't mind getting rid of, you list it on your profile. And then someone can mooch it from you and you send it to them, wherever they are, and you search for stuff you like.... it's socialist book borrowing.


I sent off two books today in my glorious introduction to the bookmooch world, and eagerly await a return of some kind... everyone should join! EVERYONE WHO READS THIS BLOG SHOULD JOIN!

Seriousness means capitals. And vice versa

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

heads will roll on the floor.

I went to a YA fiction workshop for my new thing today. It was in this neat room in the feminist study library on campus, and I met a penpal accidentally who had gone as well. It was interesting, if not illuminating. Jill Wolfson writes well, though, and it was neat to meet her.

She told me she would look over my book. I wonder if she was kidding.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm at my worst when it's from my lips.

Today's new thing: Out of country package sending. One parrot to Paris, One gorilla to New Zealand. I was in the post office line for an hour and a half, thinking to myself: this is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone ever.

But that's not true, of course. There are Simple Life with Paris Hilton marathons, stacks of cheese in our refrigerator that go uneaten, favorite actors losing their jobs. And all that poverty and war too.

So, in context, the post office wasn't that bad. But out of context - I could've died.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

For you, oooh.

The Cigar Box Guitar construction has commenced!

It looks like it's going to be the most incredible thing you have ever seen. Well, no. But I can't wait.

We couldn't finish it because I wanted to spray paint its name on it: Betsy Mae.

At some point, I will be able to say the phrase, "I'm a-gonna go strum the heckfire on the strings of ol' Betsy Mae!"

And I'm going to say it all the time.

Also: Happy Birthday Sara!