Tuesday, September 15, 2009
hey. good morning.
Yesterday I ate a bacon maple apple donut. And I had the best Bloody Mary of my short life.
Tonight, Max and I get to eat 50 dollars worth of Sushi for 25 dollars. I don't quite understand how that works, but it's an exciting prospect no matter what.
I talked to Jason from work yesterday, and I'm glad I don't feel alone in the things that I feel.
Monday, September 14, 2009
if you're wondering.
So I saw Weezer last night, in pouring rain. Rivers was playing at being an awkward rock god, and more than once he had to take off his glasses and wipe them on the white nike track suit he was wearing. Max came with me, but he was up in the Verizon lounge, staying dry, watching it on the screens. We didn't pay for the tickets.
And, continuing the theme of not paying for tickets, on Saturday night I saw Soko at the independent. She was adorable, and I met her beforehand and she put me on her guest list - and then I hung out with her for the rest of the evening, talking about nothing, enjoying/commenting on the music playing.
It was a wonderful weekend. I also ate a sandwich with avocado and fried mozarella sticks, among other things. It was delicious.
That's leisure time. For sure.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Why I've decided television isn't evil.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
why don't you sit right down and stay a while?
My girlfriend likes pigeons. We moved to Venice because of it – she saw my pictures from my trip to Europe and saw all the pigeons and pointed at the picture.
“There,” she said, pointing. “Let’s move there.”
It’s nice to have rich parents, I thought as we boarded the plane. I asked her if she wanted to keep any of her things, and she said that we would buy things in Venice. So we are leaving our apartments fully furnished. I am leaving behind my collection of guitars that I bought at estate auctions. She is leaving behind her bird feeders.
In Venice, we get along great. We have sex with each other with the windows open. She leaves bird seed on the windowsill so that pigeons will come and keep her company while I’m out looking for work. I don’t need to work, and I won’t work, but it’s fun to look for it. I like to get dressed up and present myself to the American ex-patriots and convince them to hire me and then not call back.
While I’m out once I see a pigeon. He’s fearless. He is brown and white and mottled and he is eating off a cafĂ© table while the people are still there. They are trying to shoo him away, but it’s not working. I walk up and ask them if I can have their pigeon.
“Si,” they say. I pick him up and take a piece of bread from their bread basket and go to my friend’s house. I ask him where a vet is, and he looks it up online, and tells me that the only one in walking distance doesn’t speak English. We tape record his neighbor asking the questions we want.
“Is it sanitary? Does it carry disease? Will it make a good pet?”
I bring the pigeon to the vet and play the questions for him, and then record what he says and take it back to my friend’s neighbor. He smiles and gives me the a-ok sign, so I bring the pigeon home.
My girlfriend loves the pigeon. She names him Pierre. It sits on her shoulder and gets fat and she won’t put a blanket over the cage when we have sex. She says Pierre has no idea what’s happening anyway. I disagree. He snaps my guitar strings with his beak when I leave the apartment to go get another bottle of white wine.
I get bored of Venice eventually, but my girlfriend doesn’t. She has started sending Pierre out with messages, and the bird brings back messages. They are from a stranger, and she thinks it is the person that used to own Pierre. She won’t let me read the messages so I try to follow the bird on a bicycle. I’m too slow for a bird that can fly, so I borrow my friend’s moped and can finally keep up.
Pierre stops at a bookstore and gives the bookkeeper his leg. The bookkeeper is an old man. Bald. White eyebrows. He doesn’t wear glasses but he reads my girlfriend’s handwriting with a magnifying glass.
“Is that your pigeon?”
He doesn’t understand. I point to the pigeon and I point to him, I point to him and I point to the pigeon. He shakes his head. He shrugs his shoulders. I make an angry face. I mime writing a letter. I mime slitting my throat. He looks scared, like I got my point across. I moped back to my girlfriend.
“I don’t think that pigeon is coming back,” I said. I feel sick for being jealous of an old man but she kisses me.
“Tralala,” she says. “That’s why we moved to Venice. There are a lot of pigeons.”
I don’t understand, but I kiss her back.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
matchstick girls.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sometimes being alone is an advantage.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
keep them nice.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
drowned her in a bathtub.

Monday, March 30, 2009
sink to the beat.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
said she's got it all, said she's got it all, said she's got it.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I want to go to heaven for the weather.
Friday, March 27, 2009
let's make some money.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
does he love you?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
into the fold.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
knock three times.
Monday, March 23, 2009
all the stars were falling.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
good show!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
why why why?
Friday, March 20, 2009
california, here we come.

I finished watching The OC today.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
lalalala, shanghai!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I got a watch on my wrist.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It's ancient common sense.

Monday, March 16, 2009
dirt on your new shoes.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
where do you go to, my lovely?

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Oh oh. We've got eyes like Oklahoma.
Friday, March 13, 2009
the stars of track and field are beautiful people.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
come on, ulysses.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
For you!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
change your mind!
Monday, March 9, 2009
I will die with my foot in my mouth.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
get guilty.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
who's gonna hear your help me help me now?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
times before that, I was cruel.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
shut your eyes, you and I.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
heads will roll on the floor.
Monday, March 2, 2009
I'm at my worst when it's from my lips.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
For you, oooh.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
red and blue and black for you.
Friday, February 27, 2009
i wear my boots, you wear your hat.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
parisian girls are all so sweet and smart.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
keep hearing your name.
Monday, February 23, 2009
meet me where your mind won't kiss me.
I defied my T.A.
Now, my mother has a phrase for the people in class who sit in the back of the room and point out inconsistencies with the same joy and self-pleasure as a pirate who found buried treasure on his own. She calls them "bright boys" and I never want to embody the stereotype because it sounds awful, self-congratulatory and the opposite of true intelligence.
But I was disgusted by the guest lecturer today, who dressed up her lecture on Susan Sontag in hyper-feminist leanings and tried to push it as fact rather than opinion. I didn't mind the agenda, or the opinion, but I do mind being told something that is 100 percent opinion and be expected to write it down in my notebook, to be regurgitated later.
So in class today, I commented. My T.A. defended the guest lecturer and the entire section turned, pointing out the inconsistencies between the reading and the guest lecturer's opinion-dominated message. Susan Sontag is a lot of posturing, and it's easy to posture upon posturing, and eventually, my TA agreed, and started talking down the guest lecturer as well.
It was interesting. I felt like my ire was bright boy misplaced enthusiasm, but I'm glad it wasn't.
What do you think?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
a horror film.
Two hours left on that.
If not, then I have another new thing. But I'll talk about it tomorrow.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I've got love in my tummy.
Then perhaps you should buy a homemade stuffed animal!
Today's new thing is the online marketplace store GRAND OPENING OF:
(cue Final Countdown)
You should buy one, and make me a hundredaire!
Friday, February 20, 2009
welcome to the space olympics.
I am writing this from the year 3022.
Not really, but I find this song to be quite amusing. I would post the youtube link, but I'm pretty sure it's over-blogged by now, so I'll just leave it that I like it, and wish I had thousands of dollars to create crazy clips and have a huge audience watch them.
Instead, it's Halloween in February here at the house. I am 3-Hole Punch version of Christopher.
It's another reference to mainstream pop culture! I'm 2 for 2!
Anthony is a youtube video. It was my idea, and I got it from the internet. Good ol' internet. Everyone pet your computers and tell them how nice they are.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
when i was at harvard...
So I ate my new blueberry muffin mini-wheats.
That's the new thing for today, cereal.
It's pretty good dry. I don't like cereal and milk.
They can't all be winners.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I don't even care for me.
I uploaded all of those comics I made the other day.
They are right here. <---------------
Tell me what you think in the comments! Please! You all don't understand (assuming anyone reads this) how much comments MATTER to a BLOGGER.
didn't catch me falling (falling, falling)
I was thinking about all of their sex tips, and how they must not have new ones, really, in every issue - so I went to the library and asked if they had a back catalog. They did - five years worth of it. I followed the woman back and she gave me 2005s, which she was going to throw away to make room for 2009.
I think I'm going to make a John Nash-esque collage, writing with red and blue pens where the sex tips double up. I'll put it on my wall until people make too many lewd comments or something.
I love when new things lead to other new things.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I was meant for the stage.
I'd never talked to them, so for the new thing for the day, I knocked on the door. Two yippy dogs answered, and then him. He was charging his battery.
He didn't even come out to chat, like I wanted.
Next time!
Monday, February 16, 2009
the things I do possess.
For the new thing for today, I planted my tulip from Amsterdam in that cup. It doesn't live in my room, though. It lives in full sunlight. I've never planted tulips before, and certainly not in a cup, and certainly not flowers from Amsterdam.
My money is on it never sprouting. That's pessimistic, but I would rather be surprised
Sunday, February 15, 2009
christmas came early for me.
today I called sick into work because I woke up and felt like my head was on fire.
It wasn't, by the way, but I definitely slept in and wrote and slept more and made chicken noodle soup and felt like I had done the right thing.
Today's new thing: I sat and memorized ukulele chords. The chords I knew already were the ones I looked up to write a song about kissing on a bus. I didn't even know what they were. So I looked at my chord chart and then looked away, and now I know A through G. I can play, slowly, a major scale!
It was a small little thing but a thing nonetheless.
I love this rain. I walked in it under an umbrella for about three minutes and felt peaceful.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
it backfired at the disco.
I left love mix cd's all over the bus - sad love songs about love lost.
I just thought, you know... a sobering experience for those in a relationship, and a place to find solace for those who weren't.
I didn't leave any way to contact me, like I usually do with my letters. I just did it. I wonder if anyone will like them.
Friday, February 13, 2009
oo. wah. oo.
We took up our post where Haight met Ashbury and sold a few, but what led to my new thing for a day was a German photographer named Alex who took our picture.
Acting dead.
Killed by our stuffed animals.
You'll see what they look like when I do - he hasn't posted us yet. His flickr has many projects on it: Death by ----, people looking deadpan meeting Mike Wazowski, people who hug things. I am excited to be up there soon.
We also met up with one of the favorite recurring characters of my life, Regina. She took us to a place called Bangkok Best (described as the best restaurant in SF and, probably, a name of a porn) and I had excellent soup.
I love San Francisco. It makes me have good new things.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
red and black and blue for you.
Lemongrass Chicken roll-ups from Trader Joe's.
Deep fried.
They were delicious, but made me want a soda - Anthony and I traveled to 7-11, where the man was "tired of breaking 20's". He told us that he wasn't a bank. But, it wasn't that he couldn't break 20's.
He just didn't want to.
I think his new thing for the day was being a drain on humanity's patience with convenience store clerks. We didn't buy anything, but I do want to speak to the guy's supervisor.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
don't you worry a bit.
What a terrible new thing for the day:
I took a test to become an "enumerator" for the "census bureau" which is government speak for "bothersome person who wants to count things in your home when you've sat down for dinner."
I got there at 3, as they told me to, and did not begin to take the test until about 430 because of the 40 over-40 year-olds who wasted time screwing up their standardized test, their resume, and the pencil lead they took the test with.
The test was easier than the CAT9. I pity anyone who misses more than 3.
At least I made a friend: a late-2o's UCSC graduate who was trying to make it on Etsy.
So, in case you didn't know already, government tests are not a good way to spend your day.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
what I give to you is just what I'm going through.
Five days of school and then two days of work ended up not jiving with the ol' writing schedule - and let's face it. I want to write, I want to be a writer. I do not want to sell shoes. I don't want to end up like Sascha did... three and a half years into it, a manager, realizing that three of her best years were spent there.
Nope, not the plan. So I quit my job, and instead added another 500 words to my daily writing goal. I'm going to actively seek editors and agents and all that, and I'm going to make stuffed animals with Anthony and sell them when I need some extra scratch.
Also, I might become a part of the census bureau, because apparently you get to set your own hours and those hours are 20 dollars each.
I bought myself a comic as a quitting present: It's the new Spiderman, and Obama is on the cover:

Ridiculous. Chameleon didn't even know his nickname on the basketball team.
To ruin the surprise: tomorrow, my new thing is to take a placement test/interview for the census bureau. It could be incredibly boring, but I also got the Coraline soundtrack, so maybe it will be creepy.
Monday, February 9, 2009
why'd you say hallelujah?
A year ago me would worry that I was mixing my memories with movies. This year me LOVES this fact, and embraces it, hoping that soon, my life will be indescirnable from the movies I watch. This is a strange hope, but I think it's viable. You just have to believe.
Today, my new thing: I went and saw The Wrestler with my friend named after a state, Montana. She loved it, I am not so convinced... it was brutal, violent, and very sad. Torment is a fascinating thing to watch, an even more fascinating thing to read, which I am doing right now. Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections torments me with every word, and I bet upon bet that all of this frustration is going to come to a bad end. I'm going to read something really happy after this. A mystery, where I'm sure they solve it. That will be satisfying.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
paranoia, paranoia...

Today, Erin and I traversed a sodden, downpoured 17 highway to see Coraline in 3d.
It was an absolute visual treat. I would say visionary. Totally mental - creepy, hilarious, unsettling and mind-blowing. The world they created was gorgeous and terrifying.
I loved every three-dimensional second. I'll see it again.
I hope three dimensional film-making is the wave of the future. I also wonder if Neil Gaiman is totally set on being Neil Gaiman. Because if he's not, I'd love to fill his shoes.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
les limites.
The point being, though, is that I don't really fancy doing it again. But it felt good to be like Don Draper, if only for a minute. And the cool side of Don Draper, none of the affairs and the messed up past and dark history and mysterious horribleness that threatens to crush his teetering tower of cards.
It seems like being in business for yourself makes more and more sense. And it also seems like I am not going to be a tree-planter, although my previous work as a Jamba Juicer and babysitter more than qualifies me to dig holes for saplings.
Also, there are over 25 views on my stand-up comedy, but not a single comment. That strikes me as strange. If you're reading/watching/listening, you should comment! I like comments. They are like the crumble crust on the pie - probably not necessary, but don't you basically just have jumbled up fruit (words) without it?
lookin' at the sky above me.
edit: thanks to the magic of max, I have added all of them.
But it was a good, rainy day. And if I start tomorrow off right, I think work can be bearable... because I think it will be one of my last shifts. Quitting sockshop is a "new thing" for the future.
The near future.

Anthony joined in on the fun.
His are a little more nightmarish than mine...

His also stopped because he left the house and forgot to keep doing it.
Ah well.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
so happy together.
For now.
Tonight, though, was the rooftop comedy competition. Stand-up again. I had Anthony take video, which is the new thing for today: I've never put my stand-up on youtube before. I'm looking forward to it being lost amongst the shuffle, and no one ever really watching it. Sounds lovely.
Anywho here you go:
Side note: I'm moving on to the next round. It's in San Francisco!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
and the music, as loud as can be.
Those instruments are:
-The Kaossilator
-Electric Fender Guitar
-Acoustic Samick Guitar
-Melodica (birthday present from Erin)
-25-key Midi Keyboard
-My Voice
And I'll tell you what: The song is average. I had this idea in my head that it would be really wonderful, but because I am only average at music creation, and below average at almost every single one of those instruments (the ocarina and the harmonica were used only as strange things at the end) I guess I should not have had such lofty expectations.
But the thing is, I did it. I wrote a song, and played the instruments, and it's not bad. Not great, but not bad. I think my favorite part is that you, as a listener, are almost painfully aware of my inability to play these instruments, but I hope you all find some type of enjoyment anyway.
Without further ado: Take a listen.
Next time, I'll have someone else sing.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
happy face in my mind.
The thing I'm noticing is that sometimes I do new things and decide they don't count. I take a new way to school, or get something new at a restaurant, or try a new way to make my sandwich at lunch, and think... eh. Not good enough.
So there's that. But blogworthy: I gave a double piggy back. It sounds wrong, but it ain't:
That was about 310 pounds. I am strong! I am an ox!
The best bit was throwing them off, like a... dinosaur.
Exactly like a dinosaur.
Monday, February 2, 2009
There isn't much I can say for it, other than it was pretty good, I like strawberries, and I think that paying for a psychic sounds like an excellent new thing.
New new new. There are so many places in town that I have never been. How strange!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
that song's boring.
I don't care if that's a cop out, I think that's new.
I played pinball, saw Slumdog Millionaire, and some of my friends went out to dinner with me at Pasta Moon.
It was glorious. Because for one, I have glorious and attractive friends...

And for two, Pasta Moon has these:
So that was my new thing for today. I bought a kaossilator too, but I am going to save that for some other new thing.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
let's form it.
Don't you love candy?
I do.
There was a new candy at 7-11 next to the Nerds Rope display. This led me to believe that a) it was going to be as delicious as Nerds ropes, and b) that it was made by Wonka, who makes pretty good things usually. Although Wonka bars are sadly lacking in imagination.
So my new thing was eating that bar.
I imagined that, perhaps, this "Wazoo" bar, in "wild berriez" [sic] flavor would be good. It looked like something a unicorn might eat in magic fairy land - It was pink and about the size of a Snickers bar, covered in imitation Nerds. Indeed, this was not a Wonka product. Just an imitation. So it was an imitation of a facsimile of a fictitious chocolatier - and there wasn't even chocolate involved.
Long story short it tasted atrocious - like stale laffy taffy covered in tasteless marshmallow with chewable plastic on top.
I think my face says it all.
Friday, January 30, 2009
last night, I turned into a fly.
And then the plan was to win a bunch of money at a scratcher, and that didn't happen either. I was going to do the endless setlist (84 songs, 5.5 hours) on Rock Band, but 8 songs in and the guitar ran out of batteries (one more reason why video game guitars are not as cool as real guitars.)
So, at 11pm, Anthony taught me how to break the bottom off of a bottle using only the force of my hand.
Step 1: Find a bottle with a neck.
Step 2: Fill it up with water, leaving about 2 inches of room at the top.
Step 3: Go outside, hold the bottle firmly against your hip (beginner-style)
Step 4: While only allowing the lip of the bottle to protrude, and only a bit, bring your palm down on the top of the bottle and believe that you are going to hit the bottom off the bottle.
Step 5: Clean up mess.
I was successful on my second try, and then not successful again afterwards. And I really hurt my hand.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
such a subtle wrist.
On Thursday, Max lent me his $150,323,988.23 camera, and I went downtown to take pictures of things. I asked people if they would let me take their picture, and they all said yes. That was surprising and welcoming. I also enjoyed looking like an artist/tourist. Here are a few of my favorites:
I've always listened to my critics.
Yes, two.
First of all, I got a new chair in my room. It is burnt orange and comfy, and it was given to me by Anthony, who got it for free from the thrift store his grandmother works at. Two days ago, my new thing was to sit down in my new chair, put my feet up, drape myself in my Linus blanket, and read for an hour. I came out of it with the clear head and warm fuzziness that only such an act could bring. Have you tried reading for an hour in a new chair with a Linus blanket? It is divine - add a box of Scotchmallows from See's Candy and I think I would have reached the apex of life.
So that was two days ago.
And yesterday, I tried my hand at making buffalo chicken wings. My mouth just salivated thinking about them - I fried a half pound of chicken legs in that wondrous silver machine and then doused them in buffalo sauce made via the Pioneer Woman Cooks, and I felt happy and alive. I won't feel so alive for much longer if my fried food intake doesn't slow, but I am happy to report that the deliciousness factor of my life has raised an incredible, unknowable amount.
Gilligan's Island update: I think my favorite character is Mr. Howell. And I'm either getting dumber, or the show is getting better - by the eighth episode, they have definitely hit a stride.
Today's new thing? Unknowable. It's only noon!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
wind the frog.
I wish I had had slightly melted ice cream to melt them in - oh well. That's a note for next time.
I have no idea what my new thing for today is. I suppose I have done a couple new things (some homework, started a new story) but I don't know. I have three hours to decide on something to do/go through with it/decide that the other couple of things were good enough.
I seem to have a love of nostalgia right now, which is bad for the "new thing everyday" project. I have started watching Gilligan's Island again, because I bought season one for a song at Amoeba. It's really a terrible show, especially first season - I can't believe that it was once considered to be quite the comedy. Was it? I should talk to some oldsters about this. Did people really love Gilligan's Island? There are parts where I am smacking my head because of the stupidity. Oddly enough, though, it's great to have on in the background. I took a nap with their voices in the background, and I had a pleasant, island-y dream.
Monday, January 26, 2009
I'm the man, you're the girl.
Today's new thing: Unknown. Hopefully incredibly exciting.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
just somebody that you used to know.
It was for class. Doing morbid things for class is a new one too, but I think it's all one package.
And today, my new thing was to talk to absolutely anyone that came within a three foot radius of me. It was an interesting one for a lot of reasons - usually, when I go downtown, I get engrossed in a book or my music or... you know. Anything but the people around me. Actually, not usually... usually, the morning coffee makes me into a gregarious, outgoing soul, so I talk to the first person I see on the bus that smiles at me. If they snub me, it's a book day. If they don't, it's a meet-some-strangers day. I don't do this methodically, I only just realized that this is usually how it goes.
So I worked today at the shoestore, and talked and talked and talked. I tried not to keep the conversation on shoes. I talked about Pixar and Wall-E, the Raven and the books I had recently. I talked about Paris and England and collecting things. People told me all sorts of things as well - a man told me he was going back to university to get another bachelor's - he was fifty. Another guy was annoyed that I was taking the interest off of shoes. I poked fun at our strange store's decorations with some of the younger folk, and I told fake attributes of what the shoes could do for you, as in, "those shoes are 400 dollars because they will whisper to you if you are lonely." Or, "The rubber is quite light - if NASA decides to allow it, they might get activated - it's anti-gravity rubber." I sold the most shoes. I also took a new way back to the bus station because I didn't want to talk to all of the strange people that populate the Santa Cruz streets at night.
On the bus home, I talked to a couple people that told me to come to their CEOs and Corporate Hos (Hoes? Ho's? 'ho's?) party. And I tried to talk to the guy next to me once they got off the bus, but he didn't want to talk at all. He just snubbed me. I stayed on the bus for the UCSC loop just to try more, but I think I really annoyed him. He was listening to Millencolin on his Zune, and if I want to be shallow, I could say it's for the better. Who wants to talk to someone who has a Zune?
But I was actually kind of hurt. I was really nice and he was not.
Friday, January 23, 2009
indian giver.
I remembered, earlier this month, Anthony took me to a cookie factory. I'd never been to a cookie factory. I bought a six pack of cookies for a dollar.
I wonder what I will do today?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
she's a ten.
I made a New Year's Resolution this year to do something new every day. It has been going splendidly, but my memory is not what it once was: I have already begun to forget some of the new things that I have done.
So, that means I have to start a new blog.
I have had lots of blogs, starting with a deadjournal under an assumed name - followed by a livejournal that I still write in occasionally - a well-kept then deleted personal/music blog - a travel blog for my quarter abroad - and now this one. I think it can be anything I want.
Yesterday, I watched the inauguration. I had never watched an inauguration before, so that was my new thing for yesterday. It was inspiring, and I liked the bit where the oath-giver messed up. We all made the joke: "He will be the first to go."
Today, I went and saw Revolutionary Road. I had never seen that movie before - so there you go. It is a heart-wrenching movie, terribly sad - hopelessness and emptiness prevails. But it was beautifully shot with beautiful moments and beautiful actors and beautiful piano plinking. It was very good. There were people in the audience who laughed at odd times, and I'm going to just chalk that up to the imbeciles who go see movies and still wonder how "they got them pictures to move."
Tomorrow's new thing: Undecided