Tuesday, January 19, 2010

rah rah. ah ah ah. roma. romama.

Erin says to not be so hard on myself. She read my last post and reminded me that Micah Perks has sage advice - grad school for creative writing is nowhere as good for the person right out of school than the person who waitressed for a couple of years (what she did) and then goes back to school.

I think that's what I'm going to do. Because let's face it, what I like doing is teaching and what I like doing is reading and editing work. I like a creative life, and I believe that's what I can offer myself.

In the meantime, I'm still managing to work without a day off until Max and I leave for Sundance. I have worked every day since the 7th or so. so it will be about 20 days in the row. And I wonder why I'm sick.

I'm going to find aspirin. And coffee. I'm going to perk up, and eat something filling and get myself to work on time. Those socks won't sell themselves.


  1. i'm starting to realize, too, that the trick (and a tricky trick, at that) to this life is balancing what you want to do with what you have to do to get by.

    my hope is that as i progress, those things will slowly become one.
