Okay. I have a goal today.
I want to write to page 100.
So I'm liveblogging the event, just in case the new thing for today isn't "writing page 100 of the novel I'm writing."
I've never liveblogged before! Never really had a chance, but still!
So, let's see here... it's 2:25 pm. I have 9 and one half hours to write. I happen to be on page 60 since my last edit.
.....liveblogging now.....
2:26pm - blogging about liveblogging about writing. The spiral continues. It's like putting two mirrors that face each other. I'm at Lulu's at the Octagon (pretentious!) and I put a book on hold for myself over at Literary Guillotine as a treat for if I get as far as I want today. I have a full cup of coffee, a full cup of water. My computer is connected. My outline is next to me. I have fruit snacks, granola bars, and I am charged. Charrrrged. San Diego Super Chargers. Let's go team!
2:44pm - broken from my writing reverie by one someone whistling along to a song. The headphones are going to go on soon. I already wrote two pages! Beat that, Virgina Woolf!
3:08pm - it's funny what makes me stop writing. In this case, it was that I suddenly had no idea where my character was. Not my main character. The one that is going to enter the scene. I mapped out their conversation on my outline (and when I say mapped out, I mean I have three scribbles - "dead, me too" "where did they go?" "you and me, pete") but I have no idea where they have the conversation. So I stopped to visualize. I think they will have it on the couch, eating dry macaroni. Thanks, blog!
4:06pm - I am sort of trying to outlive everyone here at Lulu's. Wait, not outlive. Outstay. The girl on the right of me has been here before me. Same with the guy in the corner. Everyone on the other side of the octagon has changed, though. My coffee has gone cold, and I have that caffeine rush type of headache, but it isn't bad. I'll eat at six. I wrote eight pages this last hour. So, it seems extremely plausible that I can do forty by tonight. This goal seems incredibly reachable.
4:55pm - didn't write nearly as much this hour. I'm trying to get Pete back. Then everything is going to hop skip and jump towards a conclusion. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened, anyway. I think it will. Pete is the catalyst. Tock is trying. Ha! I'm talking utter nonsense. The guy to the left of me left, but the guy and the gear to the right are still there. I'm writing a novel, guy and girl. What are YOU doing?
5:25pm - thanks for the words of encouragement, April. I'm on page 75. But, that was with two interruptions. One was Chris Miller! He was my favorite employee from Sockshop. He quit before I got back from England, and I hadn't seen him since. And then Julio for a moment. We discussed sunglass flotation. And now I'm behind. Or whatever. I might be right on schedule. Pete's back soon. I missed him.
6:32pm - I win! I have officially been here the longest. Or perhaps I lose. I don't know. I am running out of steam. I am quite, quite hungry. And I don't want to spend any more money on coffee. I should go home, I guess... and then try to write more there. Maybe outside? 4 hours, 22 pages. Not bad.
9:16pm - ran into more folks I know - my focus is totally gone. Going, going gone. But it's a ground roll double. It ain't no home run. I still think I can write some more, but I want to hang out with some people tonight as well. I have decided to extend the deadline past midnight. We all know that it makes more sense if the day is just how long I've been awake. So... keep your fingers crossed. I have a good feeling about writing again at around 1030 or so.
12:33am - lightning struck. I know how it ends. It is the only way it could end. I can't wait. I have a long way to go, but I can do it. I'll see you all on the other side.
1:49am - I may know how to end it, and it's going to be awesome. But I can't write it well anymore. Caffeine fried my brain. I'm going to drink water and go to bed. 92 pages, my friends. Eight from the goal. Thanks for playing. Tomorrow and Sunday - the sprint to the finish line.